
Flac3d user manual pdf
Flac3d user manual pdf

flac3d user manual pdf

Taking the allowing anti-pulling intensity as the main condition, we chose the optimal reinforced length. With the increase of the reinforced length, the probable destroyed cross because of the shearing moved away from the panel. The maximum pulling stress focused on the lower half of the reinforced soil retaining wall. The simulation and analysis showed that with the increase of reinforced length, the side displacements of the panel and the pulling stress in reinforced layers decreased gradually. In this paper, a reinforced soil retaining wall which was 60 meters high was set up to study the effect the reinforced length had on soil retaining wall. The results showed that the finite difference software FLAC 3D could simulated very well. Then the results were compared with those which were derived from limited balance method. A finite difference software (FLAC 3D) was used to carry on numerical simulation of reinforced soil retaining wall which had observed engineering data.

Flac3d user manual pdf